Saturday, July 11, 2009

TreeHouse Kidz touching lives in Ecuador

The kids from TreeHouse Kidz (the children's ministry at RiverTree) have been collecting money to help the kids at Nuevos Amigos. We were able to use this money to purchase some books and puzzles that will go into the classrooms. The kids absolutely love books and they were very excited to receive them. Here is a short video of the occasion.

Way to go TreeHouse Kidz! Because of the money you earned and collected, these kids have some great new books to enjoy. Awesome job!


  1. hey! i loved the video! Can't wait to see you all in less than a week! Hannah

  2. Hey Guys, that's great! Is there any way we can get you guys to upload the video to and then email the link to me so we can have a video to show Treehouse Kidz this weekend? My email is Thanks either way!
    Jackie S

  3. How awesome!! That brings tears of joy!


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