Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This whole week I've been reading the book of Acts. Paul has been spreading the word of Jesus throughout the world and is helping start the first century church. During his visit to Ephesus, he tells his followers that he is going to go to Jerusalem and that most of them aren't going to see him again after he leaves. They are all afraid because they don't want Paul to get hurt or killed. When Paul sees this, he says something very profound. "Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." This verse really spoke to me. Paul gave up everything to follow God's will. He made sacrifices that, even though most of us may not have to do in this day and age, were very impactful towards people. So my question is this. What are we willing to give up for God? Paul was willing to go to Jerusalem and be arrested and put on trial. Will we face challenges in the name of Jesus? I believe that this trip is my way of giving my all for God. While the trip will only last a week, the memories and experiences I have will impact people for years to come. I want to know that I'm doing God's will no matter what. Can you follow Paul's example? Only you can answer that, but I think it's pretty easy to come up with one. Just thought this would be a good way to start the morning.


  1. awesome thought!

  2. are impacting people all over the world who read this!!!



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