Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Night!

Yesterday was my first night in Ecuador. The plane ride took about four hours and was pretty smooth for the most part. I didn't get uneasy until we were starting to descend. First off, we hit turbulence that was really bumpy, which kind of was unsettling. Second, we had to wear face masks when we got off the plane and couldn't take them off until we were out of the airport. Something about swine flu precautions. I also had to sign a paper that stated that I hadn't been sick in the past ten days. When we got out to the bus, Uncle Steve and Matt were waiting for us. I still couldn't comprehend that I was in a foreign country, over 2000 miles away from home. The bus was, interesting, to say the least. I kid you not, we were driving down the middle of a two lane road at very high speeds. It was so different looking out the window. One minute I was seeing stray dogs and run down buildings with grafitti, the next I was seeing a high rise apartment complex. We got to Aunt Michelle and Uncle Steve's apartment and all the kids came peeking out from behind the gate. Jonny ran full sprint toward me and jumped into my arms. I don't think I've ever been so grateful and happy to see them then that night. It was the best way to be welcomed to Ecuador. Now, this morning, I'm getting used to the altitude, taking pictures (because it's absolutely beautiful here), and getting ready for church. Viva Ecuador!


  1. I hope you have a wonderful trip ... looking forward to hearing what's shakin' there with you all!! <3 Jenny

  2. Hi Kathleen,

    Great blog!


  3. I love this !!!



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