Last week we were blessed to have a team from
ChildReach here led by our friend Rick
Royer. We made new friends and had an amazing time with them. (We miss you all so much!) I want to tell you about our visit with our Compassion child Josselyn.
We got on the bus in the morning and drove to the park. When we turned into the parking lot we could see a group of people looking at us with the same anticipation and excitement that we were looking at them with. Once parked we quickly got out and made our way to them. There were lots of people and on the way I told Steve that the most recent picture we had of Josselyn was probably three years old. I was worried that we would not know who she was. As we got closer I could see a beautiful girl with big brown eyes and long wavy black hair. She and I locked eyes and I knew it was her. When we were close enough I said "Josselyn?" She shook her head yes shyly. I embraced her tightly and began sobbing. I could hardly wrap my mind around the fact that she was here in my arms. We introduced ourselves to Josselyn, her mother Lillian, the director of her Compassion project,
Rosio and our translator, Polly. We gave Josselyn a
bookbag with some gifts and she gave us a letter and picture she had drawn. Then we were off to the paddle boats.
Josselyn is 11 years old. She was a little shy at first. It took Mallory about ten minutes to cure her of that. They were holding hands walking through the park in no time. We all went on the paddle boats. Polly, Josselyn, Mallory and I were on one. It was so fun to watch Josselyn open up on the ride. She and Mallory switched seats with Polly and I so that they could pedal. They both laughed as we carefully maneuvered over the seats. It was Josselyn's first time on a boat. We raced the other boats with our friends and families on them.
Then we went and played on the swings and slides. All of our kids had a ball and treated Josselyn like a part of our family. After that the ladies went to the flower gardens.
Rosio and Lillian pointed out plants in the greenhouses and gardens that grow where they live in Santa Domingo. Mallory and Josselyn took some beautiful pictures there.
We ate
KFC for lunch near the
paddleboats with the rest of the group and their Compassion kids. Lillian and I were able to talk and ask each other questions. Finding out some of the details of their life was something I wanted to do for a long time. I'm glad that I did but it made me sad for them......I will keep praying for them but now I can be more specific. I asked Polly if Josselyn knew who from our family was coming. She said Josselyn thought it was only me. She said Josselyn saw me right away and told her, "that is her in the pink shirt!" When she saw Steve and the kids she said, "that is them - did she bring her whole family?" I love that she was surprised.
Then we all got on the bus to go to the
Teleferico. This is the cable car that goes up
Pichincha mountain. We went from about 9,500 feet in Quito to about 13,000 feet at the top. I am afraid of heights and didn't really want to go. Josselyn and her mom both wanted to go so I decided that I didn't want to miss out on it. It was amazing. I can't even do justice in describing the view. Looking over God's creation that way was very special. Josselyn, Mallory and Ellie had so much fun together.
After that it was time to part ways. We had to get on one bus and Josselyn on the other. It was so incredibly hard to say goodbye. I so wanted to take her with us. Josselyn and her mother thanked us. We all hugged for a long time. Then Josselyn told me that now she has a second mother. So I cried - okay I was already crying - so I cried harder! Their gratitude was so apparent. It made my heart happy. So we parted ways and I was wondering if we would ever see her face to face again. I was filled with hope for her future. Her mother seemed loving and caring and full of faith. She is in a project where she has some of her basic needs met but more importantly her relationship with Jesus is nurtured. Simply amazing.