What a day. We went to the oldest parts of Quito. From the 1600s. The first place we went was the oldest cathedral. It had two gigantic bell towers 250 feet to literally the very top about 25 stories. We were at the very point on top. And let me tell you that the ways to get up were the scariest ways EVER invented. So, first was an elevator which was of course broken. Then some regular stairs. Then of course a staircase attached to nothing, no more than two foot wide. Then how bout this, a bunch of ladders. Oh and hey, the top floor wasn't even finished. It was just rebar ready to be cemented. Here's a pic of me at the very top. And of course I was the only one to go up to the top. My dad took this pic from the 24th floor, I'm on the 25th.
The next place we went to was the president's quarter's. This place was so heavily gaurded. There were army with shotgun's, machineguns, grenade launchers, pistols and rifles. It was like they were waiting for the dang Venezuelan army to come and attack.

After that came the Metropolitan Park. It is the biggest park in Quito. It is located on the top of a mountain. We walked some trails, played on the park and had a blast.

By: Matt
That sounds like fun. I remember seeing the cathedral from the crazy statue we went to.