Friday, August 14, 2009

At the orphanage

We had a great day this week at an orphanage known as For His Children. It was started by a California man that felt God leading him out of his law practice to care for children on the margins in Quito. This facility is nothing short of top notch. We were truly amazed. It is really a campus of several buildings in a park-like setting with beautiful trees and flowers everywhere. We were greeted by a hummingbird on the way in and I knew this was going to be a special day.

We got a tour and then settled in to hang out with some of the kids for a couple hours. Michelle and Mallory were recruited to tend to some infants and the rest of us stayed with some older kids. The orphanage cares for a lot of special needs children and there were several in our group.

While most of the kids were playing, I felt drawn to a girl named Maria laying on a blanket in the yard. I don't know the details of her condition, but she was blind and could not control any of her limbs or even hold her head up. As I carried her around the grounds, she grew agitated and I wasn't sure what to do. I knew that her hearing was OK, so I just started talking to her.

I described to her the beauty of the flowers and trees all around us. I told her that I was certain that one day in Heaven God would restore her body. She would run and jump like the other kids. And that she would gain her sight to take in all of the beauty and wonder of God's Creation. I think she will see more in an instant than I have seen in a lifetime.

Often during our stay in Ecuador, I have wondered what we were doing here. Not that we shouldn't be here, but just kind of probing why were in this place at this time. But when Maria fell asleep in my arms, I didn't need any explanations.


  1. I love this blog! uncle steve, you write so beautifully, thatnks for keeping us up to date on what you guys are doing, i miss you but i'm glad that we will see you soon!


  2. Hi guys! sounds like you guys are having fun. I just got back from Football practice and on my way home we checked homeroom schedules. It turns out you, me, and of course, Edin are all in Homeroom 264. one big bundle of fun!:)

  3. Spoken only like Steve could. Love it !!!



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