Friday, August 21, 2009

We're home!

It was a long day, but we made it. And what a great homecoming. We were surrounded by family and friends as soon as we stepped off the plane. After lots of hugs, we were whisked home to a banquet fit for a king of all of our favorite foods. And more family and friends. It was really great.

We are indebted to so many people that took care of literally everything while we were gone. They handled absolutely every minor detail and that was a huge load off of us. We didn't have to worry or think about anything.

It feels so good to be home. I think my dog and cat even remember me.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ciao from Ecuador

Well it is very hard to believe, but our bags are packed and we are headed home at 3AM. It seems like only last week that we were discussing if this trip was even possible.

We have seen incredible things, met amazing people and made some great new friends. This trip was a success in so many ways, I can't even begin to list them all. I know that going back home is going to be a shock to all of us. Life is much simplier here, and I love it.

I will leave you with my favorite quote of the trip. We were with Dan Maloy from Extreme Response one day and we were asking where he was from and such. He told us he was from Akron and we were all surprised. We travelled thousands of miles from home and the guy we are riding with used to live 20 miles from us. Adam asked Dan which place was more fun to live in, Ohio or Ecuador. Dan thought for a moment, and then answered "I enjoy life more in Ecuador." Isn't that great?

Even though this is an amazing place, I don't think it is just the fact that he is in Ecuador that makes life more enjoyable. I think it has a lot to do with living on the mission field. I know I just wake up different here. My first thoughts are not about work and stuff, but more about what God might have in store for us today. I think more about people and making the most out of the day rather than just getting through it.

I can't wait to get home and start applying some of the things that I have learned here.

Adios from the middle of the world!


Yesterday we went to the Equator. We conducted a hole bunch of experiments, my favorite was balancing an egg on the head of a nail. No one else really did it they all just did it for a quick second, mine stayed for ever. And i got this Egg Master's Diploma. Ain't it perty. As my cousin Rachel would say, Ain't it perty-fully.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pululahua Crater and True Equator

Yesterday we went with our friend Michelle to do some sight seeing. She took us to the Pululahua Volcano. The volcano blew over two thousand years ago leaving a massive crater. There is a village in it now. It is the only inhabited crater in the world. I can't even describe how incredible it was. We stood at the top and looked down into the crater at this beautiful, quiet village. There was a path that went down to the village. It went straight down the side of the mountain. The people ride horses or donkeys to get back and fourth. Within the last few years the first and only road into the village was built. The crater has its own weather system. It was breathtaking to watch the clouds come over the side of the mountain, sweep over the village and then come back up the side we were on and sweep over our heads. I felt honored to be able to see this unique part of God's creation.

Our driver suggested we visit a museum and the sight of the true equator. We had visited the equator monument a few weeks earlier. We learned that the equator site that we had visited was determined in 1738. It is located 200 meters from the actual equator. I think that is amazingly accurate for 1738 technology! The site we visited was determined in 1995 using GPS technology and is the true equator. We took a tour and our guide showed us some unbelievable experiments.

She took a wash tub about three feet into the southern hemisphere and put water and a few leaves into it. She then pulled the plug. We watched the water drain in a clockwise motion. She then set it on the equator and did the same thing . The water and leaves drained straight down. She then moved it about three feet into the northern hemisphere. We watched in awe as the water drained in a counter clockwise motion.

Next she showed us how you can balance an egg on a nail head. Steve, Matthew and Michelle were able to do it. It really can be done but only on the equator!

We then stood on the equator, held our arms out with thumbs up and eyes closed and tried to walk a straight line. Some did better than others. As I lifted each leg to move I could actually feel the centrifugal force pulling me to each side.

It was astonishing to learn about and see the effects of the earth's rotation and gravity at the equator. We ended the day with dinner at a restaurant. They had delicious empanadas. Another incredible day in Ecuador!

ellie's blog 2

We went in a volcano today. We were so close to the clouds. This volcano blew up and made a big hole. Now there are houses in the hole. There is a path that you can go down and go up.

We also went to the equator. We saw a thing with a bunch of water and leaves and the water went different ways. There was this 170 year old house and about that, there was guinea pigs in a cage and spiders underneath. There was a giant snake that was dead.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Last Day at Nuevos Amigos

Today we went to Nuevos Amigos Christian School for the last time. Steve had some software to install on the computers. We haven't been there for over three weeks. We were excited to see the staff again. Steve worked on the computers and we talked with Rosio and Ricardo. We gave them money that the kids at RiverTree have donated over the summer. They need a desk, chalkboard and some other items for the 2nd and 3rd grades they are adding this year. Ricardo will use the money towards purchasing those items. We are so proud of the kids at our church and how they partnered with us to help kids just like them!

We were able to take pictures of Vianca for a friend of mine who sponsors her. In the picture she is holding his latest letter to her. People, please write your sponsor children. Whether you sponsor through Compassion, ChildReach or some other organization. In my opinion the children value the letters far more than the money you send each month. One look at Vianca's precious face and you can see that.

Our kids played with some of the neighborhood kids. It was fun to hear them laughing and giggling. Every once in a while they would run by the room I was in and I would hear them speaking Spanish to the kids. Things like corre (run) or arriba (up). Ellie really can roll her r's - it's funny. Anyway, it was sad to know our time there was ending.

So our van arrived and we packed up and headed up the hill. When we came out to the street where the van was parked the kids began hollering "Eric!" I looked up and there was Eric running full steam down the hill with his arms open and a huge smile on his face. Eric is mentally challenged and one of the sweetest children we have met in our time here. He stopped for a moment with the kids and then pushed them aside saying "madre!" He then came running to me and gave me a huge hug.

Once we said our goodbyes we piled in the van and drove away with Eric waving and giving us two thumbs up. It was the perfect end to our time at Nuevos Amigos. We will not soon forget Eric and his enthusiasm for life. What a gift.


-To our friends from the ChildReach team - the area where we dug up grass and rocks is now a cement patio! We have pics to show you.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Old Quito

What a day. We went to the oldest parts of Quito. From the 1600s. The first place we went was the oldest cathedral. It had two gigantic bell towers 250 feet to literally the very top about 25 stories. We were at the very point on top. And let me tell you that the ways to get up were the scariest ways EVER invented. So, first was an elevator which was of course broken. Then some regular stairs. Then of course a staircase attached to nothing, no more than two foot wide. Then how bout this, a bunch of ladders. Oh and hey, the top floor wasn't even finished. It was just rebar ready to be cemented. Here's a pic of me at the very top. And of course I was the only one to go up to the top. My dad took this pic from the 24th floor, I'm on the 25th.

So the second tower was more of an adventure. To get to it you had to go across a bridge which went across the top of the cathedral. Then at the end we had to go up a ladder to the top. My mom decided not to go cause there was no railing. She turned around and noticed there was a whole line waiting, she decided to go up. Here's the bridge.
The next place we went to was the president's quarter's. This place was so heavily gaurded. There were army with shotgun's, machineguns, grenade launchers, pistols and rifles. It was like they were waiting for the dang Venezuelan army to come and attack.
After that came the Metropolitan Park. It is the biggest park in Quito. It is located on the top of a mountain. We walked some trails, played on the park and had a blast.

By: Matt

Friday, August 14, 2009

At the orphanage

We had a great day this week at an orphanage known as For His Children. It was started by a California man that felt God leading him out of his law practice to care for children on the margins in Quito. This facility is nothing short of top notch. We were truly amazed. It is really a campus of several buildings in a park-like setting with beautiful trees and flowers everywhere. We were greeted by a hummingbird on the way in and I knew this was going to be a special day.

We got a tour and then settled in to hang out with some of the kids for a couple hours. Michelle and Mallory were recruited to tend to some infants and the rest of us stayed with some older kids. The orphanage cares for a lot of special needs children and there were several in our group.

While most of the kids were playing, I felt drawn to a girl named Maria laying on a blanket in the yard. I don't know the details of her condition, but she was blind and could not control any of her limbs or even hold her head up. As I carried her around the grounds, she grew agitated and I wasn't sure what to do. I knew that her hearing was OK, so I just started talking to her.

I described to her the beauty of the flowers and trees all around us. I told her that I was certain that one day in Heaven God would restore her body. She would run and jump like the other kids. And that she would gain her sight to take in all of the beauty and wonder of God's Creation. I think she will see more in an instant than I have seen in a lifetime.

Often during our stay in Ecuador, I have wondered what we were doing here. Not that we shouldn't be here, but just kind of probing why were in this place at this time. But when Maria fell asleep in my arms, I didn't need any explanations.

Last Days At The Dump

Today was the last day at the Dump. It was the sadest time i have been throught while we have been here besides when i miss my dog and grandparents. Yesterday we gave them the gifts using the money the kids at our church raised. We got them a babyswing and 5 alpaca blankets. They were so happy to get them. Today they threw us a last day party it made me more sad . I really am going to miss them. The teachers have been asking us if me and Ellie could stay in Euacdor lot longer and Ellie said yes!! We played a game where they tied a balloon on to all of our legs not my mom and dads and we had to try to pop each others balloon. Whoever had their balloon on still won and Jon won. The chef made us a cake it was good. When i come home i am going to blow up a picture of me with the kids.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

For His Children

Today we went to the Orphanage. There were so many handicapped kids. They told us 40% of the kids are handicapped. They all were so cute .There was this little boy named Nicholas he bit me alot but he was so cute.After a while we went in the bulding and they kept on bringing more kids in for me and my mom to play with. When it was getting close to when we had to leave all the kids were in bed except for two. So I took the baby named Mateo and sat on a rocking chair and tried to get him to go to sleep. It was really fun. I liked the orphanage alot. Even though we were at an orphanage the kids were clean and had clean clothes and the place was really nice. Outside of each bedroom some college students drew a picture of each child that hangs on the wall. The teachers pointed out each one as we walked by so they must really appreciate them. The teachers are teaching them about Jesus. I am going to pray that when they get older they know that Jesus loves them and he is their father.


Ellie's day at the orphanage

Today we went to the orphanage called For His Children. I had fun there. There were lots of kids and one had a bandage on her eye. One girl couldn't move. They had to pick her up and walk with her. One girl who was playing with me was chasing me. And there was a dog and he jumped over the fence. It was giant. The kids didn't have moms or dads. That made me feel sad. It made me happy that there are teachers there that love the kids. One girl came out of a room and said hola to everyone. One boy when we first got there came over and hugged me and my sister and brothers. I love those kids especially the boy who gave me a hug. I hope the kids will have moms and dads soon who love them.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Thoughts from Jonny

Today we went to our friend Michelle's house. We took apart a rabbit cage and then we built a bench out of it. Then we helped her clean off her porch and we helped her clean up where the rabbit cage was. Then we got chinese food for lunch. Then we walked up to the plaza and got ice cream. Then we walked back to our house and said goodbye to Michelle.

Yesterday we went to a parade. We watched all the parade and we saw lots and lots of police and military. And there was some policemen on horses. And in the parade some of the floats shot up strips of paper and I got some. Then we went to lunch. And then on the way to lunch we saw a skate park with a big circle pipe. They had roller blades and bikes, but the bikes didn't go in the big pipe. We went to the food court in the mall to eat lunch.

All last week we went to the dump. We got to play with the kids. We went to this park on this tiny hill with the kids. Before we went to the park, we fed the kids. I helped feed Coco and Jhonathan.

Now I need to go take a shower cause my dad says I smell bad.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Words of Affirmation

During our time at Nuevos Amigos, we were asked to put on a workshop for the parents of the children enrolled in the school. Apparently, most of these folks did not have good examples to follow and really don't possess some of the basic skills required for successful parenting. The presentation was based on The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman. There were over 80 parents in attendance, including many fathers, so we were very encouraged. We were also able to find the book in Spanish and hand it out to the staff and many of the parents, which was a big bonus.

One of the languages that children (and adults) feel love with is Words of Affirmation. These are words of encouragement for who you are, not what you have done. While preparing for the workshop, I was reminded of an experience that I later shared with the group.

When I was young, my parents used to have a bunch of their friends over periodically to eat and play silly games. One such game involved everyone secretly answering a question on paper and the others trying to guess their answer. The age old question came up "If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take one thing, what would it be?" My Uncle Dwight said that he would take me and that it would never be boring! Maybe it was just a silly game, but his words demonstrated the value that he saw in me and I never forgot it.

The Bible says a lot about the power of the tongue. Proverbs 12:18 says this:

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

And Proverbs 15:4 says:

The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.

Never underestimate the value in expressing words of affirmation to your kids, spouse or even complete strangers. You may never know what someone is going through and an encouraging word can be just what they need to hear. And they can last a lifetime. My Uncle Dwight is gone now, but I still remember those words spoken more than 30 years ago.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Street Kids Follow Up

The other day I blogged about two street kids we met at the park. (It was titled God Really Is In Control) It was one of those days that started out not so good and ended up amazing. So Sunday we went back to the park to meet Michelle and her street kids. I was so exctied to see if Jefferson and Eddie would show up. THEY CAME! We didn't see them until we were almost ready to go. I was so thrilled to see them. They seemed happy to see us too.

We were able to introduce them to Michelle. She talked to them a bit and found out that their parents were vedors in the park. We went to talk to them. She did the talking - I just smiled :) She told me as we walked away that she had explained that she wanted the boys to meet her on Sundays at 2:00 to play and talk. Dad seemed unsure at first but the more she talked the more interested he seemed. He ended by saying that he would send the boys next Sunday.

Michelle explained that they may bring a different dynamic to her group. She said that their father seemed quite involved with the boys which is unusual for the kids she deals with. She also said that the fact that the whole family was in the park together was not typical. The boys parents each had a cart that they were selling items from very near each other in the park.

How amazing that God used my family to make this introduction happen. I feel honored and blessed to have met these incredible boys. I pray that we will see them again this Sunday.


Ecuador By: Adam

Ecuador is a place that is poor, and rich at the same time. Where we live in Ecuador is rich, but the people up in the mountains have absolutely nothing. But those people are always happy, and are always enjoying themselves. For example, the group from River Tree and my family went down to a family's house with a translator to see what the conditions they are dealing with in their house.So when we got to the family`s house, it only had one room and they were happy with everything they had. They said that they were renting the house for around 30 dollars a month, and for them, that`s a lot. The mother was only 16 years old, but she was married, so that was a relief. At the end of the " tour" of their house we asked them what they want us to pray about, and all they asked for was that GOD would stay in their hearts. And I thought that was amazing. So most of the people that are poor are happy.

The Dump is a place that a lot of people that are poor work at. They get paid for everything they recycle, they don`t get paid much. Most of the workers have children, so ER started a daycare so that all of the children aren't left at home all day. So this weak we are going to the daycare everyday to play with the kid so the teachers get a break. When we went to the daycare today, one of the kids remembered me from last time and screamed my name and ran to hug me. His name is Jhonathan. He plays with me every day, so he really likes me. So now I have him as a friend and about five others! That`s because I played and made friends with the others!So that was fun.

Alright that's all that i`m going to write, but hopefully I will write some more, so keep reading!


How Great Is Our God

We spent another day at the dump yesterday. This is a complicated situation, but the short story is that several hundred people earn a meager living digging through the trash while avoiding the trucks and heavy equipment buzzing around. Their kids used to accompany them all day, but thanks to the efforts of Extreme Response they now have a great facility for the kids.
These kids are in a safe environment where they get nutritious meals, play time and lots of love. They also get basic medical care at a clinic on site, as do their parents. All due to the generosity and love of people just like me and you.

Yesterday, I sat and held one little girl that was very upset. I had no idea what was wrong and my Spanish is pitiful, so all I could do was rock and try to comfort her. Nothing was working, so I decided to sing to her. I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but she didn't seem to mind. I started with the first song that came to mind and it worked just fine. When I tried to switch songs, I went completely blank. No matter how hard I tried I could not think of a single other song, so I just went with it. And as I sang, the tears just came and would not stop.

This was our song:

The splendor of a King,
Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice,
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in light,
And darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice,
And trembles at His voice

How great is our God,
sing with me
How great is our God,
and all will see how great,
How great is our God

Age to age He stands
And time is in His Hands
Beginning and the End,
Beginning and the End
The Godhead, Three in One
Father, Spirit, Son
The Lion and the Lamb,
The Lion and the Lamb

There we were, sitting in the Zambiza Dump, singing of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Steve and Domenica.
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