Friday, June 26, 2009

We're here!

We had smooth flights and everything went great. Michelle von Debschitz was waiting at the airport with a van and driver. They took us straight to our place and we got in safely about 1AM this morning.

While the flights were very long, the kids did great. Mallory was a little scared as we took off and Jonny was hollering like he was on a rollercoaster. As soon as we hit the clouds, Ellie asked if we were in heaven.


  1. Hey gang!
    I'm glad to know that you are there safe and sound. we were tracking your flight online so we knew when you landed. i love Ellie asking if you were in heaven when you hit the clouds. when your flying on a sunny-day through the clouds i think God is reminding us about whats to come with the beauty of it all!
    Can't wait to see you guys, be safe and keep posting.
    LOVE Hannah

  2. Hey TV,
    That totally sounds like something Jon and Ellie would do. Glad to know you guys are doing well. Can't wait to come see you!


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