Thursday, April 16, 2009


Good friends of our's opened their home recently to a little girl that needed a place to stay. They treated her as one of the family. They cared for and provided for her, and they loved her unconditionally. Then in the blink of an eye, things changed. What they thought was going to be a few years, suddenly was over. She had to be relocated far away into an unknown situation. My heart aches with them. We all fell in love with that little girl. But even with all of the emotional, physical and financial stress, I think they would do it again. They saw a need that they could help with and they acted. Even though it set them up for great pain, they responded with great love. Because that is the same kind of love that God gives us. Agape love - love that goes out in spite of what comes back.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness you guys. I didn't even know you had this. Thank you. Thank you !!!



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