Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Grandpa or Survivorman?

When you close your eyes and think about God, how does he look? I don't mean who does He resemble, rather what is His posture? When we are scared or hurting, don't we see Him with open arms ready to handle any concern we might bring? Like a grandpa. My kids have always loved to snuggle up with my dad. And why wouldn't they: a great big hug filled with unconditional love every time. Whether its the flu, a skinned knee or hurt feelings, some time with Bob-Bob in his recliner has been the answer for all the grand kids for many years. And I think this is a great example of what can God look like to us.

But lately I have been seeing another side of God. Perhaps a little more like Indiana Jones or Les Stroud? OK, I don't watch a lot of TV but I love Survivorman. One guy, all alone in the wilderness, taking on everything nature can throw at him with only a minimal supply of equipment. His spirit of adventure is great. He looks at the next challenge with eager anticipation. Yes, he has lots of skills, but its his attitude that is contagious. He does not simply find shelter and wait for rescue. He makes the best out of every situation and refuses to settle.

All through the Bible, I keep seeing examples of guys that took on some pretty crazy adventures. There are the big ones like Daniel and David, but there are also the lesser known ones that I can relate to more. In 2 Kings 6, Elisha and his servant seem to be in some big trouble, surrounded by the enemy troops. When his servant starts to panic, Elisha asks God to show him the whole picture. His eyes are opened and he sees the warriors of God's army have completely encircled the enemy. No doubt that did something for the servant's faith, huh? Well a little while later, Elisha sends the servant into a tough crowd of military officers that don't think too much of them. His job is to anoint the next king from their midst. And Elisha knows it is not going to be a cakewalk, so he tells the servant "take him to a separate room, anoint him with oil and then flee!" Reminds me of lighting big firecrackers as a kid. Light the fuse and run like crazy!
It seems to me that God might have revealed His power to this servant just to bolster his faith enough to take on the next challenge. I don't think God has offered us this gift of redemption just to exist in our comfortable bubble. But rather He wants us to revel in our relationship with Him and to live life to the fullest. So the image of a welcoming God in our time of need is a good one, but maybe that is just one arm outstretched (He has big arms.) I think the other arm has a map and a rope, with a backpack over the shoulder just waiting for us to take that next adventure with Him! Maybe it is across the street, or the city, or even the globe.

Discovering your spiritual gifts is great, but if we wait for just the right opportunity, at just the right time in our lives so that we can use our talents, what do we need God for?

1 comment:

  1. Nice writing bro. I want both of out God. An adventure and a hug.



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